Yaoshang Thabal Selfie Contest

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Yaoshang Thabal Selfie Contest
Powered By Kumhei .com

* Participant Must Like Kumhei FB Page
* selfie should be taken from thabal chongba event and thabal chongba should be appear in background.
* participant must send only one photo which should be in colour with maximum facial exposure .
* the photo should be without facial editing .. blurring effect will be accepted to some extent.
* he/she will not be allowed to tag friends. however tagging name comments in the comment section will be allowed
* unwanted comments will be removed
* 1 winner will be selected on the basis of no. of likes on 30 March 2016
* preference will be given to the entry with less edited ones and maximum facial exposure when there arise "same no. of likes".
* Participant should send their photo through Kumhei FB page message with name and contact number
* Or Participant can upload Selfie via Kumhei App Events Photo Comment also.
* Last date of entry is 28 March 2016 till 12 pm

* Participants Must Like Kumhei FB Page
* groupie should be taken from thabal chongba event and thabal chongba should be appear in background.
* Participant must send only one photo which should be in colour with maximum facial exposures.
* the group will not be allowed to tag friends. however tagging name comments in the comment section will be allowed
* the photo should be without facial editing .. blurring effect will be accepted to some extent.
* unwanted comments will be removed
* a person in one groupie can also be there in different groupie but a participant must not submit 2 entries
* Each Groupie should consist a maximum number of 10 person
* 1 winner will be selected on the basis of no. of likes on 30 March 2016
* preference will be given to the entry with less edited ones and maximum facial exposure when there arise "same no. of likes".
* Participant should send their photo through Kumhei FB page message with name and contact number
Or Participant can upload groupie via Kumhei App Events Photo Comment also.
* Last date of entry is 28 March 2016 till 12 pm

### Another Special winner will be selected from Participant who upload selfie/groupie via Kumhei App Events Photo Comment.

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