Where Have All The Flowers Gone? 6.0

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Where Have All The Flowers Gone? 6.0
This year the festival will be held at Phayeng Konsang Lampak on 14, 15 September. This is the same venue we had in 2016.
This year it is organised in collaboration with Chakpa Phayeng Semgat Lup.

 Music Performances' Schedules:
14th September
2pm - Cultural show
3pm - Meewakching
4pm - Pilliwinks
5pm - Solace Her
6pm - Pendulum Swing
7pm - Indus Creed

15 September
2pm - cultural show
3pm - Rangshel Koireng
4pm - Hanuba
5pm - Ditty
6pm - Chasing Proxima
7pm - Ambush


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