Bass Foundation Roots Sound System at The Giving Tree

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Hero Foundation in association with NE Brothers presents - Bass Foundation Roots Sound System, organized by Art Heals Trust, on 14th of March, at The Giving Tree, Matai.


This Yaoshang Manipur will see and feel, one of the only two Jamaican style hand built reggae sound system that exist in South Asia. It is a music experience like no other. 

REGGAE originated in the former Caribbean slave plantation of Jamaica and to date, is the only form of popular music that has a former colony at its center, addresses issues of colonialism and opposes the Euro-centric Babylonian world order, while at the same time enjoying immense popularity all over the world. You might have heard Reggae music before, but never like this. Most Reggae music is intended not for private consumption on headphones or home systems, but for collective listening sessions on giant custom made sound systems. 

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